Mapping Content Language Versions
When creating a custom course or assessment you may have a need to create the same content in multiple languages in order to accommodate users in several locales. In this situation you can map the different language courses together creating a relationship that is understood by PTC University Enterprise. If the course or assessment is part of a learning path, PTC University Enterprise will take the language relationship into account when the learning path is assigned to your students. As such any student who enrolls in a learning path will automatically see the custom content in their preferred language.
To map a custom course or assessment to its language equivalents:
  1. On the Administration page, click Manage Custom Learning in the Custom Content panel. The system loads the Manage Custom Learning page.
  2. Set the State filter to Released to view a list of all released custom content in your organization.
  3. In the Manage Custom Learning table, locate a course that you wish to map and click Image in the Actions column. The system loads the Custom Content Language Mapping tool.
  4. On the Custom Content Language Mapping tool, click Select Learning to launch the learning item selection utility.
  5. In the learning item selection utility, select an appropriate language course and click OK. The selection is added to the collection table on the Custom Content Language Mapping tool.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add additional language mappings.
  7. When finished mapping click Save & Close, the system saves the language mapping.
    Please note that language mapping is permanent and cannot be undone once submitted.