Logging on with a Code
f you have a access code, you can self-register using the code. There are several types of code: license code, and class code. This is a one-time activity for each code you have been provided.
Use the following steps to log on to the system:
  1. Navigate to the PTC University login page.
  2. Set your locale from the Language pull down menu.
  3. Click Have a Code?.
  4. Enter your email address in the Email Address field.
  5. Enter your code in the Code field. You can display your activation code by clicking Show icon.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. If you have an existing user account in the system, you will see a confirmation message that your license has been activated and to log on using your username and password.
  8. If you don’t have an existing user account in the system, you will see a First-time Login screen to create a new user account.
  9. Enter your email address in the Confirm Email field and enter your name into the First Name and Last Name fields.
  10. Click Submit and wait momentarily until your account is created.
  11. You will see a confirmation message that your license has been activated and to log on using your username and password.